
Chi segue il mio canale twitch , può vincere un appartamento, a partire da 100 mq a seconda del tipo di progetto che viene contrattato a partire da aziende che vedono i progetti che nascono dal canale twitch.TV/italianbarcoffedesign e che vogliano attivare un progetto di grande dimensioni sul suolo degli Stati Uniti e dell’Europa, Giappone , Australia, Brasile, Messico, Argentina, Chile.


Servizio in attivazione  Descrizione e presentazione del servizio in fase di attivazione

Those who follow my twitch channel can win an apartment, starting from 100 square meters depending on the type of project that is contracted from companies that see the projects that are born from the twitch / italianbarcoffedesign channel and that want to activate a large project on the soil of the United States and Europe, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile.


requirements to be able to obtain the award:
Follow for at least 3 months.
1) You don’t have to be an architect or engineer.
2) You must be over 18 years old.
3) You must not have committed criminal offenses

The chances of winning the prize are valid from the moment you see this poster. Executive certainty will occur after a company has accepted a contract with this clause. The notice will be placed, in a temporal discretion, not close to the signing of the contract.

Origin service


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